Thursday, March 27, 2008

7 Months

Well, it's finally starting to look like spring around here. The snow has melted off the sidewalks enough that we can take her out in the stroller again. We hadn't been able to since Oct/Nov. She really seemed to enjoy it, especially when Riley would run up in front of her. She would laugh (Riley does look pretty funny when he runs).

Here is Rayna in her Easter dress. She only got to wear it for about 20 minutes at church then she spit up all over it. Oh well, I guess that's how it goes with a baby.

As of yesterday Rayna is 7 months old. She's over half way through her first year. Hopefully this next week I'll take some more pictures of her with my friend Carina. She is getting her first tooth and has started scooting. Mostly she scoots after Riley and whatever he is chewing on. It's hard to believe she's so big.

1 comment:

Macslonghornfam said...

She is getting so big! hope you enjoy the nice weather.