Monday, November 26, 2007

3 Months Already

Rayna turned 3 months today. She is so much fun now. She's "talking" all the time and laughs at us. She thinks John is especially funny. As you can see she is lifting herself off of her stomach and today she rolled over!! It was very exciting except it reminds me that it won't be very long until she's crawling and into everything.

I've been trying to post some videos I took of her, but so far it hasn't worked. I'll keep trying though. My friend and I are going to take some portraits of our babies on Thursday (her baby girl is 5 days older than Rayna) so I'll try and post some of those 3 months pictures later this week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Making Up For Lack of Hair

I don't know if everyone will think these pictures are as funny as I do. We've been given quite a few hats but I think the brown furry one is my favorite. To me there's just something amusing about a baby in a hat. The one at the bottom is actually a little jacket that goes with a poodle outfit, but I think it looks like a (cute) powdered wig. Rayna is such a good sport about letting me dress her up.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Whose Baby?

Riley really likes Rayna. When she's in her swing or any other place he can keep an eye on her, he's right there. At first I thought it was more jealousy, but now I think he's protective (that and he really wants to lick her face. Smells like milk.... mmm). In fact, I haven't even had to use the baby monitor yet. If she starts to cry or fuss, he'll whine and bark. Sometimes he'll even come in the other room and stare at me until I go get her. And when I get up to feed her at night, he gets up too. He'll just watch us and then go back to bed. I guess he wants to make sure I'm taking good care of his baby.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

For Halloween we didn't go trick-or-treating and our church didn't have a family night this year. We did dress Rayna up anyway. And in case you can't read it in the pictures, she was a sack of potatoes.

Also, she had her 2 month appointment on Tuesday. She was 11 lb 6 oz. I don't remember how long he said she was, but she is in the 80th percentile for length. She also got her first shots. I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to watch. I told John he has to take her next time.