Thursday, June 4, 2009

Animal Lover

Rayna and Riley have a shared interest in bugs. Rayna likes to pick them up and Riley likes to eat them. Here they are both watching a fly.
Rayna and Riley have a funny relationship. They're alot like siblings. Sometimes they play together really well, but they also get jealous of each other and "fight." Sadly, Riley takes a lot of abuse but he's usually pretty tolerant. In these two pictures, Rayna is putting dust masks on his head like a hat. For whatever reason, Riley has decided to sit up and let her do it.

I like the look on his face in the second picture, like he's embarassed I'm taking a picture of him.

This last picture is of the neighbors' cat, Dante. Rayna LOVES this cat and the cat likes her too. The cat usually comes right up to her and lays down. The neighbor said that the cat doesn't normally come to people, so it's odd that she would come up to a toddler. Rayna likes to pile dirt, grass and even rocks on the cat and Dante doesn't mind. I guess they've got some kind of connection.

1 comment:

Nana and Padron said...

Seeing Riley wearing the mask for a hat is absolutely hysterical!