Rayna got a potty seat from a family at church. I don't think we're quite ready for potty training but she sure likes the potty. She carries it around and sits her babies on it. It's also a good place to hang out and drink juice.

Rayna likes to be outside while John is working on the house. She also likes to "help" him. The other day she picked up the screwdriver and kept saying "fix, fix."

Here she's "fixing" the ladder and then the trashcan.

Rayna really likes books. The other day she was really quiet which made me worry she was into something. But when I found her this is what I saw--quietly reading books.

I put this picture in because she just looks so old.
WOW, she really does look super grown-up in that last picture!
Cute. I can't believe how much she's grown up. How's that trash can holding up?
what a little beauty! her hair is so long, and it looks darling.
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