Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rondy and the Iditarod

Rondy (Fur Rondez-Vous) is going on right now in Anchorage. They have all kinds of stuff going on around town and it ends with the ceremonial start of the Iditarod. On Saturday we went downtown to watch the dog sled races. It's fun, they bring in snow for the dogs to run on and they run through the streets. I never get tired of watching those dogs, they look like they're having so much fun. And for those of you who haven't ever seen them, they are not the pretty huskies you see in the movies. They look like scrappy greyhounds. And they truly love to run. They have to keep them tied up because if they get loose they just run off. In fact one got loose while we were there and was just running around downtown. This coming Saturday is the start of the Iditarod. They show it on TV here, but since you all won't be able to see that, you can keep up with it at www.adn.com/iditarod/. It lasts about a week and a half. I think it took the winner 8 days last year.

I'm trying to make sure we get to see all the things we wanted to since we'll be leaving this summer. I can't believe we've been here almost 4 years, or that we only have about 6 months left. So, if any of you are still wanting to visit, you better get busy planning that trip!


Laura said...

That's so fun! Look at them go!

Aunt "B" said...

Jovi's school always follows the race and picks their favorite racer. I think last year they even had one of the men visit their school prior to the race.