Rayna is six months today. I can't believe how big she is. She's hitting her milestones early and I feel like her baby-hood is flying by. She doesn't crawl yet but she's getting close and I don't think it will be much longer. She has figured out her walker though so she's already grabbing anything within reach. She also deliberatley chases the dog now. So he's pretty wary of her when she's in the walker. She's had him pinned up against the wall a couple times and sometimes his food bowl gets scooted along under the walker. That really seems to upset him.

Here's some pictures of her eating prunes. She LOVES prunes. She makes all kinds of noises and gets upset if I'm not spooning fast enough.

Michaela hated prunes most kids dont like them. I am glad to see that my little peanut does. She is growing up tooooo fast. I cant wait to see her. Hopefully sooooon. Love Grandma
i cant wait to seee my neice she sounds wonderfull!!!!!hopefully she wont be to shy i miss u all:]and i miss riley i wonder iff he is fatter hopefully not:] from aunt michaela
Kara, I think Rayna is really beautiful. She looks very dainty and feminine. Like or not, John, she looks like a girly girl to me. Don't know if she will like to carry a hunting rifle or fishing pole.
Mmmm, prunes! :)
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