My parents (aka Nana and Padron) came up for one last visit. We decided to drive up to Fairbanks since I had never been there either. After that long carride I was very glad I decided to fly back with Rayna rather than drive. Other than the drive we all had fun.
Here is Rayna having a good time at the museum at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF).

Here we are in front of the pipeline-- Rayna was not impressed.

We went to Northpole, Alaska but Rayna didn't think much of Santa.

Here is what happened a few hours before my parents got here. Rayna found my jar of bacon grease. Fortunately she didn't eat any but she did smear it on herself, the floor and the cabinet.
1 comment:
Kara.....so funny.....I just got my hair cut exactly like yours! I guess great minds think alike. We're counting down the days til we meet Miss Rayna....can't wait!
By the way, a little bacon grease never hurt anyone!
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