Well, there's been alot going on here. Nothing that's big news to anyone else, but in our little world it is. First of all Rayna has started on solids. She's really funny to watch eat and so far she likes everything except peas-- they made her really mad. It's nice that I don't have to nurse quite so much anymore.
John and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary yesterday. On the one hand I can't believe it's been that long, but on the other hand it feels like we've just always been married. We didn't do much though, since we still can't leave Rayna with a sitter. I'm feel very blessed to be married to such a great man who is also such a good dad.
For all of you who are wondering, no, we still don't know where we are moving to yet. I'm not sure when we will know, hopefully soon. And finally, for the news I'm most excited about. Bret and Amber found out they're having a girl. So
Rayna will have girl cousin to play with who will only be about 9 months younger than her. I'm excited to have another little girl in the family for me to buy for.
Your 5th anniversary? Wow, it doesn't seem like it has been that long!
Kara, would you send us the pictures of Rayna declaring her love for Nana and Padron? We want to frame them and put them in our offices.
Great pictures!!! Rayna is so stinkin cute! And congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!!
HAHA! No, I don't think the baby has kicked my bladder yet... But I have definitely felt the baby roll on top of it or something, because I'll feel it shift and then all of a sudden I have to pee NOW!
hi how is my peanut
Well I guess I have finally figured out this thing. Give peanut a big hug and kisses from her proud Grandma and Grandpa. I cannot wait until I can see her again. I am so proud of you. I know you are awesome parents. Love you all Mom
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