I don't know if everyone will think these pictures are as funny as I do. We've been given quite a few hats but I think the brown furry one is my favorite. To me there's just something amusing about a baby in a hat. The one at the bottom is actually a little jacket that goes with a poodle outfit, but I think it looks like a (cute) powdered wig. Rayna is such a good sport about letting me dress her up.
Ha! I love the poodle wig!
Oh my gosh, that poodle hat is so funny but cute!! lol Baby Rayna looks like she's not so sure how she feels about that hat lol!!
Is the other hat the one we sent you? I see she already has some OU outfits!!! How would Dad feel if Aunt Crystal sent OSU?? No I wouldn't dare! lol
Love you all, Aunt Crystal
Happy Thanks Giving to you all, hope had a wonderful day!!
Love, Aunt Crystal
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