Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 21, 2007
(Almost) On the Move
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I just wanted to clarify and apologize for something I posted earlier. In the post of Rayna's 3 month pictures, I had said I thought I might get pictures done professionally next time, but it was cheaper having my friend do it. It's been pointed out to me that this might have come off as sounding a little haughty and that I didn't think Carina did a good job. That was not how I meant it at all and for the record, I think Carina did a great job and I was really happy with the pictures. I was thinking about getting some professional pictures done because I know some family members would like to have the traditional sitting-in-a-cute-dress pictures. Anyway, I hope that comment wasn't taken the wrong way, but if it was, I apologize and I hope I didn't hurt any feelings.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Beggining to Look A Lot Like Christmas
I had to put the bottom pictue on there because I thought it was so funny. Now that her hair is starting to grow I can't get it to lay down so it's always sticking up. I think she looks like Kramer with that expression and the crazy hair.
Also, a couple days ago, John filled out his dream sheet for where he would like to be stationed next. Number one was Colorado Springs and number two was Ohio. I'm not sure how long it will be until we find out but I'll keep everyone posted.
We did finally get some snow (on top of ice unfortunately) and it's been cold enough for it to stick around. Today when I went out it was 17 degrees.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
3 Month Pictures
I thought I might start a little section at the end of each post about the weather here. I know most people are interested in that. Right now we do not have like 3 feet of snow, in fact we don't have any. We got about a foot before Thanksgiving but then it all melted. Today I think it got up to about 25 and it was really sunny.
Sunrise was 9:45 and sunset was 3:50.
Monday, November 26, 2007
3 Months Already

I've been trying to post some videos I took of her, but so far it hasn't worked. I'll keep trying though. My friend and I are going to take some portraits of our babies on Thursday (her baby girl is 5 days older than Rayna) so I'll try and post some of those 3 months pictures later this week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Making Up For Lack of Hair
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Whose Baby?

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween
Also, she had her 2 month appointment on Tuesday. She was 11 lb 6 oz. I don't remember how long he said she was, but she is in the 80th percentile for length. She also got her first shots. I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to watch. I told John he has to take her next time.
Friday, October 26, 2007
2 Months Old

As a side note in other blessing news-- for those of you who don't know yet, my brother Bret and his wife Amber are pregnant again. She is due in May. I'm hoping for a girl so Rayna can have a girl cousin to play with.

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Meeting my Maw
She also really likes her Bumbo (the blue chair at the bottom). I can sit her on the counter while I cook and we sit her at the table while we eat.
Monday, October 8, 2007
OU Fans

Sunday, September 23, 2007
4 Weeks Today
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Two weeks old

She and I had our first day alone on Saturday after Nana and Padrone left. We survived. As you can see from the bottom picture, Riley is getting used to the new situation. He is still obviously jealous though and wants to be right in the middle of things.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
She's Here!
finally decided it was time to come out. She was born August 26th at 3:03 am. She was 6 lb 14 oz and 21 inches-- so she is long and skinny. We were really blessed with a good labor and delivery. John's mom got in at 4 in the afternoon and by about 7 I was having regular contractions. We went in to the hospital at about 12:30 and she was born at 3. I was only in active labor for a little over 2 hours.
Unfortunately we had to stay in the hospital for 4 days (which is why I'm only now posting this). There turned out to be nothing wrong, but her respiratory rate was high and they had to run all kinds of tests. But God blessed us with a healthy baby and I was able to get 4 days of rest in the hospital.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Riley vs the Bear

John shot this bear last year, but he just recently got it back from the taxidermist. When he brought it home Riley really didn't know what to think about it. He spend alot of time checking it out. He would alternate between wagging his tail at it and growling at it. He even tried to chew the ears a couple times. Then after he had thuroughly checked it out, he spent the rest of the night laying there and staring at it.
36 weeks

Alright, so here I am at 36 weeks. I'm really not that big (or so everyone tells me). Actually, at my last appointment (32 weeks), my belly was measuring 4 weeks behind, so they did a sonogram and the baby was actually measuring a few days ahead. So apparently it's just the way I'm carrying her. I had another appointment today and I was still measuring behind, but only 3 weeks this time. So I've only got 4 weeks to go (that's assuming she comes on time) and no we don't have a name yet so don't ask.
We had a blessing this past week. John was supposed to go TDY for 10 days to Vanauatu (sp?) which is by Fiji. He ended up not having to go because they didn't finish with his passport in time. It wouldn't have been bad since it was only supposed to be 10 days, but they told the woman who was going in his place that it was going to be extended to 20-30 days. So most likely he would have missed the birth. But he's happy he has more time to fish.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Trip to Denali and Beyers Lake
This first picture is part of the train tracks that go from Anchorage up to Fairbanks. The next one is of the River that runs through Denali National Park. When people go white water rafting in Denali, that's the river they go on.
The next one is a suspension bridge at Beyers lake. The next 2 are of us walking around Beyers Lake. One day we rented a canoe and went around the whole lake. Riley got to swim beside the canoe for a little bit. The last two are of us in front of Denali. You can see it just to the right of my head. It's kind of covered by clouds, but there are very few days of the year when it isn't.
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