Alright, well it's time to catch everyone up on what has happened the past month and a half. We're finally settled in our house (more on that later) and have our computer up so here goes.
After we left John's mom's house in OKC we went to his dad's in Missouri. Rayna took to her Ma and Pa pretty quickly. She really liked their cat and liked going to feed the chickens with Pa.

She also got to have her 3rd birthday party. I'm sure you can tell from the pictures but she made quick work of that cake.
John went hunting with his dad and he did get small doe. It may have been small but it tastes really good.

We had been house hunting online and we found a house we really liked. So we asked my grandma (who was acting as our realtor) to look into it. It was in a perfect location, close to the base, on a cul-de-sac and had a huge backyard. Grandma looked at it and liked it and since we trusted her opinion we put on offer on it. We didn't get it but we weren't upset about it. We knew that God had a plan and if that wasn't the house there was another one.