Alright, so here I am at 36 weeks. I'm really not that big (or so everyone tells me). Actually, at my last appointment (32 weeks), my belly was measuring 4 weeks behind, so they did a sonogram and the baby was actually measuring a few days ahead. So apparently it's just the way I'm carrying her. I had another appointment today and I was still measuring behind, but only 3 weeks this time. So I've only got 4 weeks to go (that's assuming she comes on time) and no we don't have a name yet so don't ask.
We had a blessing this past week. John was supposed to go TDY for 10 days to Vanauatu (sp?) which is by Fiji. He ended up not having to go because they didn't finish with his passport in time. It wouldn't have been bad since it was only supposed to be 10 days, but they told the woman who was going in his place that it was going to be extended to 20-30 days. So most likely he would have missed the birth. But he's happy he has more time to fish.